
Quelic Berga-Carreras en una conferència



Quelic Berga-CARRERAS

PhD on Interfaces for Generative Audiovisuals in the Network Information Technologies program at UOC (Barcelona, Spain). Master in Graphical Interface Design at the University of Lincoln (UK). Graduated in audiovisuals and multimedia at ERAM – University of Girona (Spain).

He is an assistant professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC.edu) and BAU (baued.org) where he teaches Creativity, Inclusive Signage, Interactive Design, Interactive Media and Interface Criticism.

He has given talks and workshops at several national and international institutions on art and technology.

He has been awarded with prizes on digital art, and some of his works have been shown in art centres and festivals in Spain, France, Serbia, Helsinki, Singapore and Canada. Amongst them, Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona), Sala de Arte Joven (Madrid), KC Grad (Belgrade, Serbia), KUVA Art University (Helsinky, Finland), VAD Festival (Girona, Spain), Ingràvid (Figueres, Spain), and the National Academy of Fine Arts, NAFA (Singapore).

In his artworks he uses several techniques, from performance art to sculpture, coding and media art, teaching and researching, to generate interactive artifacts. Most of his works -however beautiful in its surface- are there to challenge preconceptions about technology and a reminder of how it needs to adjust its potential to human measure and nature.

In his research he is concerned on the power of the interfaces as means to build up ways to interact, observing the poetical and the political implications of each proposal.

Researcher ORCID id and link:

 I use new technologies to create works that establish a dialogue with the public. Interested in how metaphores and interface and interaction design works, my concern is to reflect on the ways technologies shape our world and the way we perceive it. Through this works, researches and creations, I manage to confront the realities of the digital era with the way we cope with multicultural societies and ecology. In this process a space for reflection on humanity opens up.

Solo Exhibitons:

Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Patrons. March 2024. Diversos mitjans. http://blog.quelic.net/2024/exposicio-de-patrons-a-la-universitat-oberta-de-catalunya/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. 10.000 Façons de dire presque la même chose: une enquête sur le documentaire Web et le cinéma interactif. October 2017. Exposició - Laboratori de recerca. http://blog.quelic.net/2017/10-000-maneres-de-dir-practicament-el-mateix/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Insaciables (Putes Màquines). November 15, 2016. Robotic  - Generative Art. La Volta, Girona. http://quelic.net/insaciables-putes-maquines/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Joshua Yang, Justin Loke, and Fiona Koh. This Is Not a Demonstration. Abril 2014. Performance. Goodmans Art Centre, Singapore. http://quelic.net/tinad/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Krä. October 8, 2012. Site Specific Installation (ceramic, wood, recycled motors, solar plaques), Variables. Py de Conflent, França. http://quelic.net/kra/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Exposició Art Digital Premi Jaume Graells. March 5, 2010. Salta d’Art Jove, Igualada, Espanya. http://blog.quelic.net/2010/exposicio-a-la-sala-municipal-digualada/. Cite

Collective Exhibitions:

Berga, Quelic, Mirko Nikolić, Joanes Simon-Perret, Sara Maria Kariranta, Nabb+Teeri, Carl Giffney, and Radhildur Ingadotti. BeeLost: Homage to Bees. Desembre 2017. Mixed Media. KC Grad, Serbia. http://www.frontiersinretreat.org/edge-effects/exhibitions/kc_grad. Cite
  • ART&ECOLOGY online exhibition, Desembre 2017.
  • MILESTONE FESTIVAL Girona (Spain) June 2015.
  • PICURT. (Spain) June 2015.
  • IDENTITY. Lambda (Barcelona). May – June 2015.
  • REALITATS ALTERADES. Coespai. (Spain). May 2015.
  • STRICT. ArtCluster. Girona. Apr 2015.
  • TUTTI GLI AMORI DELLA MIA VITA. Leccomilano. Milano. Dec 2014.
  • SILKA 2014. FRONTIERS IN RETREAT. Contemporary art gallery (Zrenjanin) Serbia. Oct – Nov. 2014
  • KVIR SALON.  KC GRAD, Belgrade (Serbia). 2014
  • PIRINEUS: ARTS I ECOLOGIA AL SEGLE XXI. Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona). July 2013.
  • PIRINEUS: ARTS I ECOLOGIA AL SEGLE XXI. Musée Terrus (Elna). May – Sept 2013.
  • LABORATORI D’INTERACTIUS. Centre Cívic Sant Jordi-Riera Baixa, El Prat de LLobregat. Oct 2012.
  • WORK IN PROGRESS. Centre de Cultura “Les Bernardes” de Salt (Girona). July 2012
  • FESTIVAL D’ART PEPE SALES 2012. La Mercè, Girona. Jan 2012
  • OFFF BARCELONA. June 2011.
  • INUND’ART 2011. Girona. May – June 2011.
  • SENYALS I INTERFERÈNCIES. Fundació Atrium Artis. May 2011.
  • FESTIVAL PEPE SALES 2011.  La Mercè, Girona. Jan 2011.
  • VAD 2010. Exposició de l’obra “Sedimentant Patrons”. Guanyadors del 1er Premi FITA del festival. Girona
  • FESTIVAL INGRÀVID.  Sept 2010. Figueres
  • TENS 5 MINUTS  PEL CONSUM CULTURAL. Espai Gironès, Salt. May 2010.
  • PECATS.  Sala Arimany , Canovelles (Barcelona), Apr – June 2010.
  • FESTIVAL SURPAS’09. Portbou,  Sept 2009
  • CÀPSULA ORWELL. Barcelona, 2007
  • SALA DE ARTE JOVEN,  Madrid 2007.
  • TRANSART 06, Centre de Cultura La Mercè, Girona 2007
  • INUND’ART 2007. Casa de Cultura, Girona 2007
  • PREMIS FITA. Girona, 2005.
  • VIATGE A UNA GUERRA: GEORGE ORWELL A CATALUNYA I EL FRONT D’ARAGÓ. Diputació de Barcelona. Casa de Cultura de Girona, 2003. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, 2004.  Monestir de Sant Cugat, 2004.

Awards and Grants:

  • Grant from the centre d’art SANTA MÒNICA – Les Mòniques: Investigació en mediació artística, Barcelona, 2023-2025
  • Prize Lueny Morell for the online platform folio.uoc.edu, Monterey, 2023
  • Selected artist for the 2014 artistic residency at Cultural Front – GRAD, Serbia
  • Saltus Grant for iAm. Salt Council. 2012
  • Grant from the Art and nature Centre of Farrera (CAN) , 2011
  • Selected artist for the 2011 artistic residency at Py de Conflent (France)
  • Kreas Grant for artistic production. Girona council, 2011
  • Grant for the artwork “Krä.
  • VAD Festival 2011. Girona
  • 1st Prize Fundación Fita Awards in the Festival VAD ’11 for Sedimentant Patrons
    igualada. 2009.
  • 1st Prize “Ciudad de Igualada’09 Awards” for Digital Art for Babel Quàntic
  • Fita AWARDS , Girona 2005. Accèssit d’honor for “Maternity”,  interactive video work on the four stages of life.


Blasco-Soplon, Laia, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “¿Qué Esconde La IA? Análisis Crítico y Comparativo Entre La Interfaz de ChatGPT y La Visualización de Datos Artística Look into the Machine’s Mind.” Edited by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Artnodes 0, no. 35 (January 7, 2025). https://doi.org/10.7238/artnodes.v0i35.429364. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Creació i investigació crítica d’interfícies gràfiques d’usuari per a l’edició audiovisual.” Ph.D. Thesis, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2024. https://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/692255. Cite
Gomez, Rocio, Andrea Galano Toro, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Embracing Death Processes: A Humanistic Inquiry into Art, Technology, and HCI.” XCoaX 2024, 2024. https://doi.org/10.34626/2024_XCOAX_013. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Identification, Socialization and Professionalization of Art and Design Students through a Techno-Pedagogical Model.” Presented at the ISEA2022, Barcelona, June 15, 2022. https://isea2022.isea-international.org/event/poster-identification-socialization-and-professionalization-of-art-and-design-students-through-a-techno-pedagogical-model/. Cite
Grimalt-Álvaro, Carme, Josep Holgado, Luís Marqués, Ramon Palau, Cristina Valls, Carme Hernández-Escolano, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. La Investigació i La Innovació En Tecnologia Educativa a l’era Digital, 2022. http://llibres.urv.cat/index.php/purv/catalog/book/486. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Folio y Ágoras: potencial y usos. Primera edición. Barcelona: Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2022. http://quelic.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PID_00293427.pdf. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Folio i Àgores: potencial i usos. Primera edició. Barcelona: Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2022. http://quelic.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PID_00288233.pdf. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, and Elena Barberà. “Viral learning from the university: a techno-pedagogical model to transcend classroom boundaries in the learning process.” Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, no. 28 (2022): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7203/realia.28.20977. Cite
Raffaghelli, Juliana Elisa, Caroline Kuhn, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Data Activism in Higher Education, a Scholarly Commitment,” December 6, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.5768143. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Paloma González, and Javier Melenchón. “Bioinspiración y ética hacker en un grado de diseño.” Presented at the Foro de Innovación Docente_Experiencias docentes_Imaginar-construir futuros sociales más equitativos_2 – 9o Encuentro BID, Madrid, November 22, 2021. https://bid-dimad.org/encuentrosbid/noveno/es/foro-de-innovacion-docente-mesa_2/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, and Javier Melenchón. “Aprendre Mitjançant La Creació d’identitat Amb Folio: Un Model Tecnopedagògic.” In FIET - Fòrum Internacional d’Educació i Tecnologia. Online, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBZ4sp0JsUI. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Padres, mártires y comunidades de la World Wide Web.” Tecnología++, March 12, 2021. https://informatica.admin.blogs.uoc.edu/padres-martires-comunidades-world-wide-web/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Student-Centered Learning Model and Tool: Folio Framework. Quelic Berga | UOC. UOC Research Showcase 2019 - CosmoCaixa  Barcelona, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBjqVKaiW5E&feature=youtu.be. Cite
Blasco-Soplon, Laia, Pau Alsina, Javier Melenchón, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Qualified Self: Truth and Subjectivity in the Visualization of the Quantified Self.” Barcelona, 2018. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Javier Melenchón, Pau Alsina, and Laia Blasco-Soplon. “Liquid Film Montage: A Critical Study of Interactive Documentary Tools.” In AFTER POST-TRUTH Interface Politics, 2nd International Conference. Barcelona, 2018. https://baued-my.sharepoint.com/personal/gredits_bau_cat/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fgredits%5Fbau%5Fcat%2FDocuments%2FWEB%20DOCUMENTS%2FPDF%20EDICIONES%20BAU%2FPublicacions%5FGredits%5F07%5FWEB%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fgredits%5Fbau%5Fcat%2FDocuments%2FWEB%20DOCUMENTS%2FPDF%20EDICIONES%20BAU&ga=1. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Laia Blasco, Javier Melenchón, and Antoni Bertan Bellido. “Network Learning Environments: Integrating An Online Learning Model With The Wordpress Publishing Model For The Teaching-Learning Of Graphic Design And Arts.,” Proceedings of the 10th European Distance and E-Learning Network Research Workshop:392–97. Barcelona, 2018. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32579.66080. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. Manual de Intrusiones. 1a edición. Barcelona: FUOC, 2018. http://blog.quelic.net/files/2018/04/PID_00251152.pdf. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, and Julia Minguillon. “Generative Experimental Shortfilm.” GASATHJ 4 (May 15, 2016). http://www.gasathj.com/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=54. Cite
Badia, Tere, Quelic Berga-Carreras, Clara Piazuelo, and Joana moll. “Manifesto for a Critical Approach to the User Interface. Context, Theoretical Framework and Further Actions.” In 1st Int. Conference Interface Politics. Barcelona: GREDITS, 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326010240_Manifesto_for_a_critical_approach_to_the_user_interface_Context_theoretical_framework_and_further_actions. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Pau Alsina, Javier Melenchón-Maldonado, Javier, Laia Blasco-Soplon, and Enric Mor. “Code as a Medium to Reflect, Act and Emancipate: Case Study of Audiovisual Tools That Question Standardised Editing Interfaces.” In 1st Int. Conference Interface Politics, 107–21. Barcelona: GREDITS, 2016. https://baued-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/gredits_bau_cat/EWgg-2TEmQNLicLHeFreJZABgAf2PxNUDLk3Dp2lgfu4tA?e=XQ9d2S. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, and Julia Minguillon. “An Online Short-Film Editing Machine with a Fixed Structure and Pseudo-Infinite Combinations.” In 18th GENERATIVE ART CONFERENCE. Venice, 2015. http://generativeart.com/ga2015_WEB/film-editing_BergaCarreras.pdf. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Nadie nos dijo que había más botones.” Wiki. Interface Manifesto - Hangar.org, May 26, 2015. https://interfacemanifesto.hangar.org/index.php/Nadie_nos_dijo_que_hab%C3%ADa_m%C3%A1s_botones_Por_Quelic_Berga. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Clara Piazuelo, César Escudero, Soren Pold, Jara Rocha, Laia Blasco-Soplon, Pau Alsina, et al. “Manifesto for a critical approach to the user interface.” Wiki. Interface Manifesto - Hangar.org, March 21, 2015. https://interfacemanifesto.hangar.org/index.php/Main_Page. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Tomo Una Nueva Droga, Navego.” In Realitats Alterades, edited by Rita Andreu Vaquer. Andreu Vaquer, Rita, 2015. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Alice Homage: Apple 1984.” Unstate Magazine, 2015. http://unstatemag.net/unstate-issue-1-alice-homage-apple-1984/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Entrevista a Hugo Roy.” Mosaic, July 31, 2014, sec. Legislación. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2014/07/31/entrevista-a-hugo-roy/. Cite
Vilà, Irma, Ivan Nalvaiz, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Entrevista a Mònica Rikic.” Mosaic, November 26, 2013, sec. Audio, Interacción, Programación, Tecnologías. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2013/11/26/entrevista-a-monica-rikic/. Cite
Casanovas, Marc, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Entrevista a Bernat Bombi (CROWD Studio).” Mosaic, June 27, 2013, sec. Cultura digital, Mercado, Redes. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2013/06/27/bernat-bombi-crowd-studio/. Cite
Casanovas, Marc, and Quelic Berga-Carreras. “Entrevista a Pau Alsina.” Mosaic, November 28, 2012, sec. Cultura digital, Profesionales, Redes. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2012/11/28/pau-alsina/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Entrevista a Francis Casado.” Mosaic, October 31, 2012, sec. Apps, Dispositivos, Empresa, Redes, Tecnologías. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2012/10/31/francis-casado/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Introducción a Processing.” Mosaic, April 30, 2012, sec. Creación, Diseño, Programación, Tecnologías. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2012/04/30/introduccion-a-processing/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Laia Blasco-Soplon, and Pérez, Beatriz. “Entrevista a Álex Posada.” Mosaic, November 29, 2011, sec. Creación, Cultura digital, Diseño, Interacción, Interactividad, Profesionales, Redes. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2011/11/29/alex-posada/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Cien años del nacimiento de McLuhan.” Mosaic, November 29, 2011, sec. Cultura digital, Redes. http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2011/11/29/cien-anos-del-nacimiento-de-mcluhan/. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic. “Modelo Centrado En La Generación de Identidad: Espacio Folio, Espacio Agora y Método Perfil.” CINDA (blog). Accessed February 22, 2022. https://cinda.cl/buenas_practicas/modelo-centrado-en-la-generacion-de-identidad-espacio-folio-espacio-agora-y-metodo-perfil/. Cite

Presentations, Workshops and conferences:

CINDA. Buenas Prácticas de Transformación Del Proceso de Aprendizaje, Enseñanza y Evaluación, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16fgUDnak9o. Cite
CINDA. Modelo Centrado En La Generación de Identidad: Espacio Folio, Espacio Agora y Método Perfil, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-ne1IRyTvw. Cite
Edulab UOC. Taller 2 - Datos En El Proceso Pedagógico, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oJhfiyVmM4. Cite
UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Student-Centered Learning Model and Tool: Folio Framework. Quelic Berga | UOC. CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBjqVKaiW5E. Cite
BLANCHE, LA CHAMBRE. Quelic Berga : 10 000 Façons de Dire Presque La Même Chose  Une Enquête Sur Le Documentaire Web et Le Cinéma Interactif, 2018. https://vimeo.com/251044658. Cite
Berga-Carreras, Quelic, Laia Blasco, Javier Melenchón, and Pau Alsina. “Network Learning Environments: Integrating an Online Learning Model with the WordPress Publishing Model for the Teaching-Learning of Graphic Design and Arts.” Presented at the EDEN 10th Research Workshop 2018, Barcelona, 2018. http://www.eden-online.org/2018_barcelona/. Cite
FANG Agency. ArtKM0  Quelic Berga, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV-DLqnsT1Y. Cite
Disseny, BAU Centre Univ Arts i. Interface Politics. Table D. Joana Moll, Quelic Berga & Clara Piazuelo + IMAGIT. "Poetic Deconstruction", 2016. https://vimeo.com/175664698. Cite
CoEspai Girona. “iAm” de Quelic Berga al 3er Esquerra de CoEspai, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMnJ_jtt5zw. Cite
Tucamon Camon. Workshop de Arduino y Processing. Introducción a Las Herramientas y al Diseño de Interacción, 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKD_ML9SARA. Cite


