An artwork reflecting on the responsabilities and implications of the actions taken by corporates in relation to the bees colonies.
In collaboration with “la Chambre Blanche” from Quebec City (Canada)
Artwork exhibited at KC GRAD (Serbia) during the EDGE EFFECT exhibition in the frame of the european project Frontiers in Retreat:
As the project comes to an ending, the multidisciplinary dialogue about ecology was explored on several locations in Europe, of which some locations in Serbia were a temporary residency for several artists: Belgrade, Zlakusa, Ečka, Bor and Sirogojno.
The multi medial international group show will present contemporary work of artist participating in the five year long Frontiers in Retreat project. Besides the previous artists in residence, who were working and creating in Serbia, several local artists will be showing work corresponding to the project theme.
During the five year period of the project, the audience was able to meet international artists and some of them have shown their work in Contemporary Gallery of Zrenjanin back in 2014. Mirko Nikolić, Joanes Simon-Perret, Quelic Berga Carreras, Sara Maria Kariranta, Nabb+Teeri, Carl Giffney, Company i Radhildur Ingadottir will present the results of creative processes inspired by ecology and self sustaining development. In addition, local artists, Dušica Dražić, Vladimir Bjeličić, Tijana Radenković, Mina Piščević and Vjeko Sumić whose artistic practice includes ecological issues, will be also presented, thus continuing the dialogue on ecology from their own point of view, from documentary, to conceptual and critical approach.
Edge Effects / Serbia will have an extensive side programme, including workshops, museum tours with artists, video projections followed by discussions with the artists.
We are kindly inviting you to take part in any of the side programmes and contribute to the project goal by further developing the dialogue on ecology, an important topic for the future.
The exhibition will be opened until 3 December. Curator of the exhibition is Ljudmila Stratimirović, art director of Cultural Center GRAD.